Advanced Offerings

Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Data Engineering

Data Science & ML/AI

Project Examples

  1. Instantiation of an Analytics platform enabling business to identify best opportunities for their clients.
  2. Embedded Analytics implementation for B2B SaaS platform, enabling clients to self-serve access their data as transacted on platform.
  3. Automated/Smart system for Vendor Managed Inventory.
  4. Massive overhaul of ETL system and pipelining to enable lightning-speed analytics at a fraction of the cloud infrastructure cost.
  5. Bespoke Recommendation System built for unique IT system at eCommerce company, providing $10 million in annual revenue lift.
  6. Improved CX shopping experience using sophisticated mathematical models to increase customer spend. 
  7. Risk management analysis on promotion administered to millions of customers. 
  8. Algorithmically-defined dynamic pricing strategy in domestic and international markets.
  9. Restructure of Data Science & Analytics group to transition from a cost center to a profit center. 
  10. Large-scale experiment for CMO of $2 billion company to allow Marketing division to test for their most effective channels. 


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